(I've taken the liberty to translate superku's original post below (after my own reply, which is me agreeing), since I believe this matter is also of concern to our non-german friends. If you do not approve of this, just let me know (via reply or PM), and I'll remove the translation. If, however, you DO approve, then feel free to post the translation in your original post for greater visibility)

Stimme superku voll und ganz zu.

Regelmäßige Informationen zur derzeitigen Entwicklung (selbst monatlich ein kurzer Absatz wäre hier schon eine große Verbesserung, und mehr natürlich gerne gesehen) wären wirklich wunderbar. Auch, wenn diese ohne jegliche Versprechen einhergehen würden.
Das ganze wäre sicherlich der effektivste und nutzerfreundlichste Weg, mit den ständigen "Is 3DGS dying?"-threads umzugehen!


I've taken the liberty to translate superku's original post:


Even though similar topics have been posted more and more often recently, and even though this question is surely not very nice, I ask:
Given that for the last ~7 months (since v8.30.0b), there have been almost new feature updates or beta versions, and given that the development of Zorro is basically done, I wonder what causes the currently very slow development of the engine. I highly doubt that it's you being lazy, so what is it you're focusing on? Galep, or a different project for a client of yours, Android, or WED 2.0?

More transparency would be great, not only to attract new customers, but especially to keep us Gamestudio-users happy. Lots of us pondered switching, and most of them already switched - not because they were missing particular features, but rather because the nonexistant (or not visible) development of GameStudio makes it appear to be a project abandoned by their developers. From time to time some already implemented changes are mentioned in posts (in reply to inquiries if those triggered unexpected side effects or bugs), for instance speeding up block rendering (or similar) - which is something all users would like to see, but which isn't announced, and thus goes by unnoticed by many. Here, too, more transparency would be commendable (not just from a PR-based point of view). Not to mention that it'd greatly motivate us to keep working with Acknex.

EDIT: Especially the missing reply or reaction to this thread feels like a slap to the face: link.
A simple mention of you having noticed it and perhaps a reply in the vein of "Currently, no Linux/Mac Support is planned, the Android port is given priority" would be - while disappointing - much appreciated.

Generally speaking, many threads and suggestions (even on small details) in the Future forums won't receive even a single comment, and I cannot understand why.

Disclaimer: This is my (non-literal, but close) translation of superku's original post. I hope I've come across just as he does and intended in his german original version, and again I'm doing this since I believe this topic is of interest to everybody. superku, if you don't want this, let me know and I'll delete it. If you wish to put it up to the original post, feel free to do so.

Last edited by Error014; 03/26/12 22:18. Reason: Changed the Subject to english version, for higher visibility

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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