First, the new WED and the Android version
That's a great news laugh


WISH number 1 : Easy Custom Panel Plugin system (by script ?)

Like i asked, 3DGS WED should turn into something lot more easily open with possibility ot easily access ressources and write our onw plugins.
Some sort of Custom Panel system ? like some other 3D engine has a lot in it's store. And another 3D engine, is also taking the way of custom panels customization.

This would mean, lot more tools in WED, all optionnal because made by users and your are free to take them or not.
Model placement tools , texturing tools, path creation tools, character cutomization tools , 3D Tiles tools etc ... etc ..


WISH number 2 : complete terrain tool

Like i said A8 is missing what other 3D engines have, 5 min terrain making ability (paint, sculpt, vegetation paint instancing).

Why ?

Because i want to do like in some others, make a terrain with grass, trees in 10 minutes, import my character and some building, put them on the terrain and put all the remaining time in coding gameplay, 3D effects laugh


WHISH number 3 : solid GUI system and editor ?


But ok , i'm very happy with A8 Scripting and the fast prototyping.
It's like Dark Basic Pro, lot of people use it and enjoy it, ecause it's ery easy to understand like BlitzBasic 3D.

Same thing for A8 !

And people should look at SuperCan that surpass easily lot of Third person platform games of the engine that's make lot lot of advertisment and the name begins with the letter "U" wink

It's lot of quality in the models and textures, not dependent on the engine , but on your talent !
Anyone can already make such quality game as great looking, but who have the skills like that team ???

That's the big point. Have you the 3D skills ?
The engine don't procude the AAA textures, models, 3D effects for you !

The other big point is the magazine, code ressources and forum.
Tell me what other 3D engine have such incredibly usefull and great magazine wink

Last edited by ratchet; 04/04/12 10:04.