Originally Posted By: LPF
works const. 60 fps now, the only thing not working is the last one with tearing( cloth1b) can you upload this with the bugfix from the second example?
here is the log:
(it only tells: "...cloth1b funktioniert nicht mehr" )
Edit: it works if i start it with integratedGraphics (the intel 3000) but notif i start it with the geforce with the others it's the other way round

Thanks, check this one: http://www.public.gamefactor.eu/a8/px/px_cloth1c.rar

gri, Random: Thanks, please check the sample above, also.

Regards, Robert

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.
by Albert Einstein

PhysX Preview of Cloth, Fluid and Soft Body
