Anyone can help in converting or intigrating this newton code to lite-c?

Containing class vars:
handOrn = target orientation quaternion
hand pos = target position
... interpolated values to follow point in front player camera somewhat smoothly

void AccumulateForce (float timestep)
      //position... (code from older newton demos)

      if (!pickedBody) return;
      float MOUSE_PICK_DAMP = 20.0f;
      float MOUSE_PICK_STIFFNESS = 150.0f;
      float ANGULAR_STIFFNESS = 0.1f;

      float mass;
      float Ixx;
      float Iyy;
      float Izz;
      sVec3 com;
      sVec3 veloc;
      sMat4 matrix;
      BodyGetMatrix(pickedBody, matrix);

      BodyGetVelocity (pickedBody, veloc);
      BodyGetMassMatrix (pickedBody, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

                sVec3 pickedForce = handPos - matrix[3]; // body position
      float mag2 = pickedForce.SqL();
      if (mag2 > 20.0f * 20.0f) pickedForce *= 20.0f / sqrt (mag2);
      sVec3 force (pickedForce * mass * MOUSE_PICK_STIFFNESS);
      sVec3 dampForce (veloc * mass * MOUSE_PICK_DAMP);
      force -= dampForce;
      sVec3 grav (0.0f, mass * GRAVITY_Y, 0.0f);
      force -= grav;

      BodyData *data = (BodyData*) BodyGetUserData (pickedBody); // containing force and torque vectors, which are the applied in the callback
      data->force += force;

      // orientation...
      sQuat q;
      BodyGetRotation (pickedBody, q);

      sVec3 curAngVel;
      BodyGetAngVel (pickedBody, curAngVel); // == NewtonBodyGetOmega
      sVec3 targetAngVel = AngVelFromAToB (q, handOrn) * (1 / timestep * ANGULAR_STIFFNESS);
      sVec3 torque = ConvertAngVelToTorque (targetAngVel, curAngVel, matrix, timestep, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);
      data->torque += torque;

      BodyActivate (pickedBody);

// utilitys...

// convert rotational offset to angular velocity (divide by time afterwards)
inline sVec3 AngVelFromAToB (const sQuat &qA, const sQuat &qB)

   const float matchTolerance = 0.01f;
   const float faultTolerance = 0.05f;

   sQuat q = QuatFromAToB (qA, qB);
   sVec3 *omegaDir = (sVec3*)&q;
   float sql = omegaDir->SqL();
   if (sql   < (matchTolerance * matchTolerance))
      return sVec3 (0, 0, 0);

   float length = sqrt (sql);
   if (q[3] < -1) q[3] = -1;
   if (q[3] >  1) q[3] =  1;
   sVec3 angVel = (*omegaDir / length) * (2.0 * acos(q[3]));
   if (length   < faultTolerance) angVel *= (length - matchTolerance) / (faultTolerance - matchTolerance);
   return angVel;


// choose shortest rotation between 2 orientations
inline sQuat QuatFromAToB (const sQuat &qA, const sQuat &qB)
   sQuat q;
   if (qA.Dot(qB) < 0.0f)
      q[0] = qA[0]; q[1] = qA[1]; q[2] = qA[2];
      q[3] = -qA[3];
      q[0] = -qA[0]; q[1] = -qA[1]; q[2] = -qA[2];
      q[3] = qA[3];
   return qB * q;

inline sVec3 ConvertAngVelToTorque (   sVec3 &targetAngVel, sVec3 &currentAngVel, sMat4 &matrix,
                        float timestep, float mass, float Ixx, float Iyy, float Izz)
   sVec3 torque = (targetAngVel - currentAngVel) / timestep;
   torque = matrix.Unrotate (torque);
   torque[0] *= Ixx;
   torque[1] *= Iyy;
   torque[2] *= Izz;
   torque = matrix.Rotate (torque);
   return torque;

I understand some of newton dynamic's function but don't understand the variables thats why i use 3dgs to make my game. Wish i can translate the code my self but been working for weeks now just to get my game physics working and can't go on without it.
Thanks guys.

Last edited by wrekWIRED; 04/24/12 11:39.