Nice postings about alpha problems in games there HeelX! laugh

The main reason why i'm not using anything else than alphatesting at the moment is Shade-C using a deferred approach. In the past it was using deferred lighting and now it's using deferred shading. Thus implementing soft alpha values is kind of hard (not impossible).
Currently i have planned to use auto stippling in combination with slightly altered FXAA or MLAA. This would give 4 Alpha values which can fade into each other because of the FXAA/MLAA. The downside of this is that you have to activae FXAA/MLAA of course. But "at least" this will also give you nice anti-aliasing besides removing the stippling pattern. wink Plus it's pretty fast (compared to "normal" AA techniques that is...but then again what's normal these days).
The way the Pure guys are doing it is a nice approach but also has it's problems (if there are multiple alpha materials behind each other, you will get hard edges where the alpha materials overlap). Not saying it's a bad approach though!

If you guys know any other methods to get around the deferred shading <-> smooth alpha problem, post them! I already have a lot of shader papers, but one can never have enough wink

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework