RealSerious3D, I think this is the part that got JustSid's attention:
They want their site, with the 3D models, to work on all platforms, including the iPad and iPhone (so, no Flash).
We've established already that "no Flash" is a very small part of the restriction placed by iPad and iPhone -- it's "no Flash" because it's "no browser plugins at all". And no Java. Given those restrictions, any developer would have a hard time creating a solution, and we really just have to wait until iPad and iPhone support WebGL or provide an App for users to download specifically to browse your client's catalogue -- and I can't imagine many people would want to download an app just to look at sunglasses in 3D.

Of course, you could go a little ol' fashioned and have a looping animation of the glasses rotating which, with some JavaScript, you should be able to allow the viewer to scroll back and forth. This way they can rotate the glasses, but will be restricted to one axis. And this'd work well on iPad/iPhone -- they don't support WebGL yet but they do support just about everything else in HTML5.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!