as I see it puts an icon onto desktop but the link is wrong: c:\program files\ledLED.exe

Fixed - thanks a small bug in the updater.

and if a crash happens because of faults in my script, in task manager I see 2 instances of LED.exe instead of one LED.exe and an acknex.exe. I don't know how the compilation/running works, but it would be good to have different names just like when using SED (or Horus).

I use my own hosting process for the engine. That's why led allows complete debugging of the engine. Actually that is one of the big features of led, as this allows me not only to debug, but maybe in feature, also to implement more advanced debugging features.
But i admit that in a case of a script crash the second process should close too. I'll check that.

Last edited by TechMuc; 05/24/12 19:55.