
This thread is about your opinions and experiences with various model stores.

I'll start with mine about Arteria3D.

The website uses a not so well fitted layout which makes it look not fully
professional. There are plenty of different model (packs) that promise a lot of
Not only the site, but also the owner promises a lot of things - but those are mostly
not kept. Whether it is additional LOD stages, additional animations, fixes to the
models or new packs.
The already existing models all have some problems (at least those I know, which are a
few). Some packs miss model formats, animations or have displaced textures / vertices.
That sucks!

Here are examples:

The first shows a lot of deformated vertices at a model (skeleton), the other shows
that (for example) the fbx file for the one LOD version is missing. No FBX version
contained animations, or proper textures applied.

Wireframes from other models looked as if a little child played with them or as if
someone used a "boolean" transform too often.

These are not models you would want to use in your game, if you don't want to spend
hours on fixing models - if your budget is not too(oooo) low, I wouldn't suggest him.


Last edited by rayp; 09/14/13 01:09. Reason: slightly changed topic title and made it sticky