Hey guys!

I am currently working on car physics (using PhysX in A8) and I
have stumbled upon a problem: the wheels.

Generally the PhysX SDK would provide wheel functions, however,
they are not included in the GS-Wrapper. Furthermore, I cannotuse
the raycast-wheel GS delivers, because I need to have more settings
on the wheel (like mass, friction etc, that actually has an effect
on the wheel).

Now I tried hinge joints using an extra entity for the control-able
wheels (usually the front ones), but that did not work, as the
chassis did not move, though the "extra entity" did.

6D Joints added a lot of oscillating of the wheels and I was not
able to add rotation, as the angles were rotated (means, when I
rotated the wheel's pan, the tilt was rotated as well).

Anyone could point me in the right direction for Gamestudio?

Thanks in advance and best regards,