Haha it took a while but I started writing a broker plugin for Interactive Brokers. I'm using Visual C++ 2008 (VC9).

I created a skeleton dll based on the FXCM. I just copy/pasted the cpp file and deleted the contents of the 9 functions. I then made each function return a value that should look like everything is OK.

Here is my BrokerOpen:

DLLFUNC int BrokerOpen(char* Name,FARPROC fpError,FARPROC fpProgress)
(FARPROC&)BrokerError = fpError;
(FARPROC&)BrokerProgress = fpProgress;

return 1;

When I put my dll in the plugin directory however, the IB entry does not appear in the Account scrollbox and it stays grayed out. In the text window it says "IB.dll opened"

Here's a screen cap:

Last edited by stevegee58; 09/03/12 16:13.