I have to agree with Havoc on this one. I am a programmer, and I have just never been able to grasp shader programming (HLSL). I am tired of hearing "Its so easy, go learn, blah blah blah". The fact remains that for ME HLSL just doesnt compute with me for some reason. Now if there was a visual tool where I could visually add effects to create a shader (Like an HLSL version of photoshop) I could really get into that. But unfortunately there isnt, and try as I might I just cant learn HLSL. So I rely on contributors like Havoc here who CAN offer a great solution to my weak points. And if getting this help means I have to cough up a bit of cash then so be it! He's been doing a great service to the community and he's never asked of anything in return. In my opinion he's well earned my $100. If I could contribute in any way I would, but again I am very weak/inexperienced in HLSL so I just dont think I would be of much use.