
Does that mean me/we have to get a License NOW or when its done?!
Dont get me wrong, I love Shade-C and im so much thanksful to you for doing this, but buying a License NOW and having the risk of never receiving a finished product is not reasonable.
As soon SHade-C is finished I instantly will get a license.

You are free to try Shade-C for as long as you like. There's no need to get a license for that.

Once you start publishing material (images/videos/demo/release/etc) of your project (Showcase thread, game magazins, websites, compiled demo, etc) you need to get a license.

You don't have to get a license if:
- your project is open source
- you are posting bugs of your project or Shade-C
- you are helping other Shade-C users and have to post screenshots/videos to do so
- you are publishing work in progress material of your project
- you contribute(d) something to the Shade-C project

I just uploaded a version with A7 fallback. To activate A7 mode, #define SC_A7 before including shade-c.

#define PRAGMA_PATH "shadec"
#define SC_A7 //activate A7 mode
#include "shade-c.h"

Please note that PSSM shadows wont work in A7 mode and you might encounter minor visual errors with local shadows.

Get it here: https://github.com/BoHHavoc/ShadeC-EVO

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework