Originally Posted By: HoH_Havoc
That bloom looks nice, i'll give alpha blending a try

I did this today wink (the shade-c code is really good commented!)
I also added a 2nd blur-shader to make it smoother.

the result is not bad, but the lens flares which are added in the same step as the bloom is, don't look very good with alpha blending

Edit: Here are some screens for comparison. Left alpha-blending, Right add-blending.
Click to reveal..

oh and I found a bug. I'm not sure if you already know it, but if I run the application in fullscreen mode and switch to my desktop (Alt+Tab)
and switch back to the application again there aren't any pointlights or pointlight-shadows anymore, only the sun with PSSM is still there
edit: oh actually they are spotlights smirk

Last edited by Kartoffel; 09/12/12 16:26.

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