You have to use Shade-c's object shaders. Have a look at the "fx" folder as well as "common.h" in the example folder.

If you want to use your own shaders, you have to call sc_skill(entity, SC_OBJECT_PASS, SC_PASS_FORWARD); for every object that uses a custom shader. These object will then be rendered in a traditional forward renderer instead of shade-c's deferred renderer. Please note though, that you should only use custom shaders where you can obsolutely not use shade-c's objectshader, as custom shaders don't work together with a lot of Shade-C's effects (lights, shadows, ssao, depth of field, etc.). The only objects you might want to render in forward rendering are translucent objects. Everything else should be rendered using Shade-C's objectshader.

Please note, that all code in the example/fx folder will be moved to default.fx and the .fx files in the example/fx folder will only contain #defines and variables in the future. This is needed for easier updating the objectshader code in the future.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework