I will get back to you on that offer! Have to create some hooks in the objectshader first so one can easily insert one's own code.

You have to call sc_light_update(ENTITY* lightentity); after you moved/rotated a shadowcasting-,projector- or spotlight around.

I just finished merging all spotlight and directional light shaders into one big shader which is now placed in default.fx. Still have to add pointlights, then it's finished and you will finally be able to actuall USE the light flags like SC_LIGHT_SPECULAR or SC_LIGHT_SHADOW.
I also optimized the SSAO shader for more realistic results. SSAO will now only be visible in dark places and/or shadows (like in the real world). If you don't want this, there's a parameter to tweak the results. You can smoothly lerp between full ssao everywhere and ssao in dark places only.
Next Update should be ready by tomorrow.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework