Yes, sunlight is supported. As soon as sun_color is bigger than zero, sunlight is active. If you want shadows for the sun, use sc_screen_default.settings.lights.sunShadows = 1; (A8 only). var sun_light is also supported, so you can already simulate a simple day/night cycle (as seen in example's commented out though i think. Have a look at the while loop in main ).

//activate sunlight
vec_set(sun_color, vector(128,128,128));

//set camera as main view of sc_screen_default
sc_screen_default = sc_screen_create(camera);

/activate sun shadows
sc_screen_default.settings.lights.sunShadows = 1;

//setup Shade-C

//simple day night cycle

	//move the sun around the scene
	sun_angle.pan += time_frame; 
	sun_angle.pan %= 360; 
   	sun_angle.tilt = fsin(sun_angle.pan, 45) + 45;
   	//set the sunlight brightness
   	sun_light = sun_angle.tilt;

I'll add an example on how to use the effects in sc_entity as well as sc_effects laugh

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework