I now improved the bloom and lensflare blending and added a vignette and a nice video grain effect to the hdr-view.

They're controlled by these floats:

sc_screen_default.settings.hdr.video_grain = (factor);
sc_screen_default.settings.hdr.vignette = (factor);

But I'm sorry, I didn't work on the second bloom-blur-stage because I've got a lot of other important stuff to do smirk

EDIT: I added this to the end of 'sc_hdr_init()' to randomize the position offset of the video grain texture.
   screen.materials.hdr.skill5 = floatv(random(1)); // Update video grain tex-coords
   screen.materials.hdr.skill6 = floatv(random(1)); // (same as above)

Will this work properly or won't the loop stop when shade-c is reinitialized?
(afaik sc_hdr_init() is called again when reinitializing shade-c)

Last edited by Kartoffel; 09/26/12 21:32.

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