Looks great for a 3DGS game.

I understand your C++ programming ,this way you have full liberty and structures and classes that is top for reusabilty,
and management of code.
How are made the levels ? is this 3D tiles ?

If your system would be enought visual for 3D artists to use , believe me, even for 3D artists it would be some amazing package laugh Im' sure you would be very successfull selling such system, caus RPG is one type of game many people try to make one (RPG Maker stuff and others ...)

there is some template system for 3DGS that shows the C Script and how to manage things , that great help indeed laugh
But having some ready to use RPG system for 3DGS as polished as yours , i'm sure it would be successfull.

What techniques do you use ? LOD ? or not because the view helps to reduce objesct at screen ?
no shaders ?
Anyway, even here , your textures matches well, the level seems homogenous, and lightening indoor is great !
What lightening system do you use for indoor dungeon ? (simple lights , shaders with lights ?)
How do you make indoor levels ? (modeling app , or 3D tiles ?)

Keep it up !
I'll try your demo !

Last edited by ratchet; 10/07/12 20:49.