I just played with MasterQ32 and it was enjoyable. Reminded me of the old Ragnarök Online times. laugh

Stable to me, as long as you don't minimize.
Attacking while chatting sends the text.
This version lagged a few times. I was "jumping" on the field. Not so in the previous version. Probably just the network.
You can't add health and mana pots to the action bar.

A way to party up would be nice, as I was kill-stealing the goblins while doing quests together.
The global loot is an interesting element. Pvp would even enhance that. =)
Walking "between" the tiles is probably coming someday later?
Automatic closing of an empty loot window would be better than a "close everything" button. And I would not open the inventory when looting, as long as it has space left. Shift+Click could be quick-loot.

Overall really nice game.