Thank you all for testing!

Originally Posted By: MasterQ32

- "Force of Will" gives no experience when killing enemies
- Sometimes enemies just disappear

Going to look into that, thanks for finding that. I think I may already know what causes the enemies to disappear.
Originally Posted By: MasterQ32

- The looting is annoying, if you are in a battle with about 5-10 enemies and your inventory just pops up because you clicked a lootable enemy

I thought about having my loot drop on the ground like in diablo and torchlight, but I decided to go for a more MMO-like loot inventory because it uses way less traffic. The game should prefer attacking over looting, but since lying bodies have a different shape a misclick is easy.. I'll think about that

Originally Posted By: lemming

Stable to me, as long as you don't minimize.

Minimizing should not crash the game, but it seems to crash when the d3d-device is lost, like when an "admin access rights" UAC panel pops up or you press CTRL+ALT+DEL.

Originally Posted By: lemming

This version lagged a few times. I was "jumping" on the field. Not so in the previous version. Probably just the network.

I think this is because of the faster running, I'll have to tweak a few values on the networking part.


A way to party up would be nice, as I was kill-stealing the goblins while doing quests together.
You can't add health and mana pots to the action bar.
Walking "between" the tiles is probably coming someday later?

bigger 3D tiles having a terrain look ?

These features are a must if I'll ever make a real game out of this. We'll see when I find the time to implement this.

Originally Posted By: JoGa

ps: the knight reminds me on a game, which was made with 3dgs, too. Arwenia? I dont know the name anymore

Yes, I've been greatly influenced by this game wink I have also forgotten the name, but it had better effects and graphics than RoG wink

Thanks to your help the game seems to be very stable right now. None of the 5 server applications had a single crash.