Environment mapping is currently not implemented as i want to create a deferred method for this instead of a forward method.
It also isn't possible to derive from Shade-C's objectshader and implement it yourself, as the position is not passed to the pixelshader. I'll add this in a future release (or some way to change in/output of the vertexshader when deriving from Shade-C's objectshader).

I will implement screenspace reflections, as Kartoffel already mentioned. They are more easy to handle (for the user), but have limitations (for example only things which are on screen can be reflected).

The masterplan is to implement an automatic environment-/lightprobe system to get "realistic" results but this will take a while and has no high priority at the moment.

News on Shade-C: No news, except that Kartoffel sent over a nice Bloom/HDR mod which will be implemented next. Thanks again for that! laugh Before that i have to fix some other things though which are need for CSiS. I hope to do that this week and then go on with fixing bugs and implementing new features.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework