
I found 2 - as I know previously not mentioned - problems after started with pssm shadows:

1) I think I made my "fish shader", by adding 3 lines to animTree.fx, to have nicer tree leaves (and it really works well normally), the alphatest results in disappearing shadows in certain camera angles (if alphablend true it works without errors):
technique animTree
			ZWriteEnable 		= True;		
			AlphaTestEnable 	= True;
			AlphaBlendEnable 	= False;
			VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 animTree_VS(); 

is it possible to use it after the alpha support will be added in next update to pssm shadows or I need a pixel shader to be applied?

2) if I use mirrorWater.fx, shadows are clipped on very short and at a certain far distance. the close clipping is disturbing, the far one is not a big problem. if the same level is without water, everything is okay.

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