Well it's not pure C++ vaus their code editor runs on top of Visual C++ studio. And yes their C++ is not always easy.
The day you'll take on another engine, there are interesting little ones specially this promising one that have simple C++ commands to call :
So yes for now , i stay with very easy script and 3DGS.

Esenthel if i find the features i need not too much complicated i could go for it later for anotehr game why not ?
3DGS in comparaison lacks a lot in some areas like , Esenthel have lot of advanced big features , could it be terrain advanced terrain system and tools, graphics, powerfull engine , navmesh system, great network code etc ...

And there is some Version 3 coming that said to be lot more fast and easy to use ?

Last edited by ratchet; 11/15/12 23:16.