Hi There,

As you might have noticed I've closed the old liteEditor thread, as a lot of people were downloading the old and buggy v0.2 version of the editor. In this thread i want to present you the new and final alpha version of liteEditor. This implys that there should be much less bugs and an pretty stable coding experience.

Please download the latest version from http://www.dev-software.com/led/liteEdit.exe
==> This will always be the link to the latest version of led in the future.

As some kind of sitenote: This is the final version of liteEditor 1.0. From now on no new features will be implemented - only existing bugs will be fixed.

New Features:
- Own Publish dialog: keep the folder structure while publishing. Enhanced WRS packing.
- Performance Measures: Check the performance of your script and projects. Check the following video: http://www.dev-software.com/led/video/performance_1/Performance_Video_1.html

enhanced coloring

debugging of global variables and structures

enhanced auto-complete

A lot of plugins (for e.g. anet)

Thanks a lot for checking.

Last edited by TechMuc; 11/25/12 16:04.