Sounds great, downloaded it and will test it on the weekend.
I would like to see auto-backup, too, as it saved me a few times already some hours of work. The SED backup is somehow a little flawed, though, because when you check the file and the backup happened after the incident it's useless. Thus I would like to see 2 options for this feature: The intervall length of backups and the amount of backups your editor cycles through, example:

5 backups:
superku_LEDBU1.c // does not have to be the most recent backup but would be nicer, of course

If the intervall length is set to 15min and I made a bad code decision 30+mins ago, backup 3 saves my day.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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