Beside all philosophy, just take a look at the facts. The horrible monster (Uni... could not write it out, before it starts to get boring) has more developers, more exporters, is more flexible, extremly better workflow, more possibilities (just look at the new animations system, the new improved particle system...). Ask your self as a developer with interest to invest 1000 Dollars in a pro engine... would you buy unity or gamestudio? And if the majority would buy not an oldschool engine... why should jcl invest his time in a minority? I would not do it. So this is the bitter final end. There is nor more A9, last thing, we could expect... maybe hardly the android version.
Everything dies... sooner or later.

Sometimes when you write down this opinion to the other community fellows, It feels like you say these words to al little kid, which only dreams some crap about immortality.