Thanks a lot for your critics.
I've just released version 1.12. You can download it from or by pressing help-->update in liteEdit 1.11.

I couldn't get the Performance test working. While compiling it says "Could not find PROGRAM.c". Am I missing something?

This was a bug, when you installed liteEdit to "program files" (or better said, folders with a space in it). Fixed.

Is there any chance to allow ctrl+c in the 3dgs-help-frame (to copy text into clipbaord)? As in SED this is not supported (and this drives me insane! :-))

This was actually the most complex one.. Should work now..

Auto-Backup is implemented. You can define the backup-interval. All files are automatically zipped and added to a standard backup folder. See the following three screenshots.

[edit]As i see now, the auto backup functionality contains a bug, that the files are never deleted.. therefore the directory will be pretty full after some weeks of work..I'll implement a solution for this in the next version 1.13. Until then I think this is okay - as the files are zipped, and should not be larger than 200kb every backup (==> 200kb * 4 backups per hours * 24 hours * 30 days = 500mb even if you program for 30 days.. so not the worst bug ever)[/edit]

Additionally some bug fixes have been applide to the code templates, which should now be more stable.

Last edited by TechMuc; 11/26/12 08:44.