Thanks a lot laugh

thanks for the tips, i will re read your post as i encounter problems if needed.
Yes for 3D tiles i keep simple values, for example :
vertex side 0,20,20
vertex other side : 0,-20,-20
etc ....
Even the 3D tiles put above other are put in a hieght that have a simple value like 90 and not 87,557 ... caus SHIFT-S would be useless or lot moer complicated !


if i could i would do some 3D tile editor , comparable to FPS Creator, but lot more optimized with functions like :
- a button like in Blender : Remove doubles (for neighboor vertexs)
- A button to save the whole level as one MDL mesh
I don't know if we can program that easily under 3DGS ?


Some level test :

with some magic towers : very wip texturing.
They are too dark to match to the level colors and birghtness !

In game test, with Polygon collision, it runs fine, i'll test on laptop to see if performance is still here ?

Last edited by ratchet; 11/25/12 20:37.