The things are very simple in fact :
In the forums , lot of very young people, unprofessionnal, juts here to try some fun coding or have some dreams.
They don't know a lot about life, so they don't know that in lot of cases only hard work and dedication pays in real life laugh

They imagine you will bring them up all they need , instead of working, searching for solutions themselves.

No need to worry about such people, just a very simple solution : IGNORE THEM after some hard dialog !

They don't understand in real life , all people is dependent from others. What you eat all days comes from efforts of lot of people. People around you is what will make your life, all you got (computer, house, car , any stuff etc ...) is not coming at you like that by magic.

How you behave with others, how others will behave with you !
Well i think they don't have maturity enought indeed.
So no need to spend time insulting them back laugh !


Perhaps beginners questions should be appart, caus this is people that are learning, don't understand all 3D stuff, don't know how to search caus they are too young.
Not grown enought.


I remember using Blitz 3D , i serached tutorials etc ... evene made some collision editor for characters for a team.
It was only fun and pleasure, even problems were solved just by searching, trying !

This is the difference from one guy that is passionnated and happy with the engine, and the others always asking solutions , always behaving badly caus they are not enought in love with 3D or what they are doing !

The way people behave in the forums can be some mirror of their real life. With no respect for others for example.


They are great members here , if you share same opinions and ideas, it's a real pleasure talking on the forums laugh

So sad these angry people only loose the opportunity to exchange with great people here (if they know what is dialog ?)