ive started working on a marble madness type game and i would like the ball that you are controlling to jump and ive managed to make it jump when you press space but sometimes the ball jumps a sky high and other times the ball almost doesnt jump at all. there is probably a better way tro script a jump the way i did, since im completely new to lite-c but anyways these are the lines of code concerning the jumping:

function jump()
	if (event_type == EVENT_FRICTION)
		if (key_space)
			if (!snd_playing(sound))
				ball_jump.z = 60;
				sound = snd_play (impact, 100, 1);

function redux()
	while (1)
		if (ball_jump.z > 0)
			ball_jump.z = - 1*time_step;

function main()
        pXent_setcollisionflag(ball, NULL, NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH);
	ball.event = jump;
        while (1)
                pXent_addvelcentral(ball, ball_jump);

Last edited by Denn15; 12/03/12 21:58.