@Jonas: Let's see about a book. A tutorial maybe sometimes, but as of now, Firedrake is really really tiny and nothing special. It's only at the very beginning and I'm not yet in a position to really write about this stuff!

@Uhrwerk: Thanks, I didn't know they used my nickname in Quake3 tongue

@Joozey: Nice, I like it. Reminds me a bit of ogame (if you know that game). Do you plan to release it on iOS as well, or just Android?

Btw, guys, guys, guys, Firedrake 0.3.0 is done!!!
I wrote a blogpost about it: http://widerwille.com/blog/articles/2012-01-03-firedrake-0-3-release
And here is the tag: https://github.com/JustSid/Firedrake/commits/release-0.3.0

Also, two pictures, because fuck yeah pictures!

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com