RatChet, i came here, to TEll.. in the post, that, a pay per publish would be a better solution to CRACKS... because that way, people would only be able to compile a EXE on DEMAND... Which means, the engine is never sufficient to compile. So no more cracks.. since the Compilation is done on CONITEC side...

Also i talked about that i had curiosity in augment plugin only available in PRO, And that the trial would not let me test, so thats where the crack part came. Because it would be nice, to have a free engine fully features enabled, to let us test the full potential, and then if we need to actually sell, we publish not with the free engine we have, but with Conitec SIDE .. (BUT ITS JUST a thought!)

And from what i read, i now see it make no sense, since little people develop actually anything significant to justifies that method.

Then, I came up with the subject about the crack right? .. And then if it can be done or not.. And JCL told, there is no way to crack A8.
I dont know what he defines as crack. If its a fully crack able to publish, then NO i did not do that. But i could "foul" the engine to at least give me a try on the augmented plugin.

"You should be carefull saying you can crack lot of things"
You right. But in the end, i "could kill" anyone in theory, but dont mean i will do it. Cracking is very NEgative term... I just see it as tweaking or customizing, like e.g, put your name on the Top window of the browser, and write like special editon with the name. There are fun things that can be done too. Or like aplying new skins to the a cellphone, should that be cracking and criminal?
The matter here, is cause damaging with such actions to others, and im clearly not causing. And that is the responsability that i have. Now craking or making it fould to pro, just to try, i really doubt its something serious. Thats not what damages 3d game studio.

So, as long as im not selling or distributiong anything that could pose risk of economic damage, its not very troublesome. Something that those professional cracker, do pose a risk for Companies that injury them, decreasing their sales. And spread them all over. ITS different cenarios..
And i also could see this from another point view, by testing the pro feature, i can see and consider buying the real thing, later... So it can actually be beneficial in some way.

Hey! Im not SUPER MAN, not i intended to be! And im not gloryfying, if it sounds like that, Its not really the point. the real point here, was to kind of warn about the reality, and the vulnerabitity of the engine (altought i dont know if this A8 can be fully unlocked, because havent tryed!)...

Or continue loosing your time
You right perhaps im losing my time, about warning JCl about this stuff..When I could keep it secret. But as a programmer, if some other guy come by and tell me about such, I would be glad to be informed about it, so i could do protect more next time... Instead of killing the guy right away. But here is a perspective that depends on each person. Which is face reality VS Hiding Reality and believe everything is fine.

Now Some of you guys do more damage than me believe me, because, always telling the engine its not enought, or etc, is like adding more momentum to the other people that read this, to leave the engine and go to those unity etc... and the power of a group is always greater. And its not glorification, since i told already, im not very good in coding, dlls or c# etc, i think anyone can do it actually, just need the pacience.

I think this forum is quite big, to have many subjects and topics, and if you think the security of the engine is a USELESS subject, then its okay for you. You can read other topic though, im not forcing you to read this (i guess).

But thanks about your tips about telling about this. Of course, the intention is not to damaging anyone but more to suggest a method for anti-cracking, which i thought would be a good thing i was doing. I could be wrong Perhaps about telling.

But all this talk was more directed to JLC and to open discussion about the subject and reality of things. And as you can see im not getting anything back like a PRIZE or something. I did not come here, to win anything... just to open a discussion about the topic.

I dont know if your attacking me or not, Because my english is not very good sometimes, and i not sure how your tone is.

Last edited by MMike; 12/15/12 16:34.