and you will see how hard it is
I already know, the incredible amount of time, of design if you go further than retro or some minecraft style.
But Rayp's screenshot is very black, even textures looks so grey, non detailled, there is no lightspot ... well it's juts my taste.

@Rayp :
I have some very old models i've done in the past :
Soldier futurist
Goblin thread
They are not awesome, but they have details and uses normal maps and have some good details.
And i've done one or two for you that wasn't so bad for some abandonned cartoon mobile roject.

Sorry, but even programmers can find good textures and models for free sometimes ..., but i understant you put some screenshot showing you are on gameplay ; even if gameplay is hard to see on screenshot laugh


Ok i should not really post for nothing and criticize , even if the goal is to push people to improve their project.
That's my goal, but i see that i can demotivate people, specially when graphics is not their main purpose and targer gameplay first.
So i have to post lot less more, show what i do instead.
And only say: "Great, good etc ..." when i will see cool things, and i'll pass on projects that will not attract me in the graphic part, like lot of people do laugh

Last edited by ratchet; 12/29/12 12:35.