Compared to the first version LED became really great

But I've got some (small) issues:
Click to reveal.. (issues)

- If I change the background color and restart LED it's white again.

- When pasting the tabstops get corrected automatically which is useful but it would be nice if theres an option to disable it.

- When using the auto-complete feature and theres text behind the word which gets inserted it gets written over.

- In this case the auto-complete feature shuld suggest the var "max_weight" but it doesn't:

- List is an array and contains state, rating and some other stuff, but when using [...] to use it as an array it marks it as wrong:

Anyway, LED is still a great tool and so much better than SED grin

Last edited by Kartoffel; 01/12/13 16:10.

POTATO-MAN saves the day! - Random