Originally Posted By: 3run
Originally Posted By: lostclimate
3run was acting like it was a personal insult rather than an issue of fairness
lostclimate@ You are the one, who didn't get a damn fuck from my words! The only one, who got my point right, is Error014. I didn't say a thing about that the Realspawn used copyrighted stuff! I talked about the way, how JustSid talked about this, by showing his angry attitude. And as I was the one, who had a private conversation with him, I pretty know his negative attitude towards the Realspawn. And his last post, doesn't really mean a thing to me.
I know your not acknowledging his "copyright stuff" thats my point. Justsids issue was not meant negatively or as a bad attitude, but as his honest view of what should be fair in black and white (or whatever your browser settings set to laugh ) in the rules. Why are you so offended?