Thanks for the feedback, guys! You were definitely right, it was too dark.
I was unable to get a better feel working without resorting to shaders. So now I'm a little more flexible, AND have to offer a new option in the menu screens. GOSH.

Anyway, I'm still struggling a little with the night-settings. I assume this is still too dark, though I found it perfectly playable. Then again, I've been playing this game for a while now, so perhaps I'm not the best judge of that.

Here are two other settings. Here's a fire dungeon:

And here's an evil dungeon. Everyone knows that violet is the most evil color.

thanks also for the gradient feedback!
I'm planning on trying to use simple skycubes (also mostly gradients, I suppose, but we'll see) now. laugh
I'll have to create a mockup or two to see your ambilight-idea in action, but I'll keep that in mind!

Yeah, I wanted to try ground fog anyhow. I'll post a shot when I get around to adding that!

Thanks! I am not using draw_obj at all right now, but I plan on using it for the bright spots that mark room exits, entrances and the golden treasure chest.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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