I am looking for something a bit more like a world builder for A7/A8 than Wed and Med. I need to be able to sculpt and paint terrain (need very large terrains), edit shaders and post processing effects, deal with pathfinding, create paths, place audio and other triggers, create roads and place objects, vegetation, etc. Pretty much allowing you to create your game worlds and then out-putting to a A7/A8 compatible file set.

I have found Map Builder and it is a very good start, but it crashes quite a bit. I am looking for a stable, commercial product that utilizes the A7/A8 engine, but has its own professional-grade level editor/world builder. Commercial meaning that it's full-featured, rock-solid stable and probably costs $$.

Does any such product exist?


Last edited by karmacomposer; 01/29/13 16:56.

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