Hello Mr. Lotter,

here is another thing I stumbled over. The problem is that when you use a target_map for rendering a text or a panel certain bitmap sizes seem to influence the post processing. I made a small code sample so that you can reproduce the strange behavior.

First we need post processing shader. The following file is named "coords.fx" and renders the x texture coordinate in the red channel and the y coordinate in the blue channel:
float4 PS (float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
	return float4(texCoord.x,0,texCoord.y,1);

technique t0
	pass p0
		VertexShader = null;
		PixelShader = compile ps_1_1 PS();

Now we a need .c file:
#include <default.c>


void on_space_event()
	if (camera->stage)
		camera->stage = NULL;
		camera->stage = v;

void main()
	BMAP* b = bmap_createblack(256,640,8888);

	PANEL* p = pan_create(NULL,1);
	p->flags |= SHOW | LIGHT;
	p->target_map = b; // Commenting this line will "fix" the bug.
	MATERIAL* m = mtl_create();

	v = view_create(1);
	v->material = m;

The code is nothing too fancy so i won't describe it any further. Once you run the code and press space to activate the "post processing" you'll see this image:

It's pretty obvious that the coordinates are strangely stretched over the screen. If you change the resolution with F5 and change it back with shift + F5 you'll get correct results, like this:

For your comfort I created a difference image of the pictures above:

Looks as if only the x coordinates are wrong.

I tried to find a pattern in the dimension of the target_map that cause this effect but failed. At least I can say that all power of two sizes seem to work. Btw. I think you should issue a warning message when one tries to set a target_map does not match the requirements mentioned in the manual, i.e. the bitmap must be smaller than the camera view etc.

I hope this is of any help to you.

Always learn from history, to be sure you make the same mistakes again...