Äh, to clarify this, the editor is not made by me. It is the work of the CEGUI team.

I just wrote the plugin dll, to use CEGUI with the acknex engine.

The picture was meant to demostrate, that it is very easy to create some small guis.

The plugin is now complete, but the problem is the documentation.
I have no time for a whole documentation, so I am building a demo, to show the most important

The CEGUI main page:

CEGUI Website

I am working on an acknex intern editor, but it needs some time (complete Lite-C code generation without xml files).

With the xml system it is possible to realize some kind of model view controler system.
Of course in a script language like Lite-C it is not realy possible to outsource the gui complete.


If someone wants the actual plugin, send me a message.