That doesn't make any sense to me, sorry.
But what about the fields 1 and Test 1 (and the row under it 2 and test2) ?
Wouldn i by like:

y/x | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
0 | 1 | Test1 | 123 | 887
1 | 2 | Test2 | 456 | 998

Well I didn't write that .dll and I think its great there is something like that.
Haven't touched it yet though.
But from a programming point of view this would be -for me- the most logical way.
Or is the first column an index column with a self-incrementing index and the second column the name for the fields which then follow in other columns while x increases?

Index | Name |
1 | Test1 | x=0/y=0 | x=1/y=0
2 | Test2 | x=0/y=1 | x=1/y=1