Thank you for the code correction i'm a bit sluggish when i write code at midnight trying to get it to work, but even so i tried again i all i get is this once the engine starts:

This seems to work fine but the dlls dont load here. (Are they supposed to?)

note: i added the debug.dll and 1 object because i couldn't make the screen after that (A6 engine pops up) but in the fraction of a second thats what is written

Then the engine starts with a black backround and popups say this:
*Malfunction W1522(libmysql.dll-no valid acknex dll)
*Malfunction W1522(A6mysql.dll-no valid acknex dll)
*Malfunction w1523(mySQL_Connectdb() not found in dll)

Note: the last one loops

One problem is solved: dll non existant
Another one to go: acknex error

Thank you for your help!

Last edited by Albysan; 08/11/06 16:26.