The LOD system of the terrain is now finished. It's similar to the system of IceX2.0 but with some nice extra features.
  • For every terrain tile the LOD and clipping distance can be set indivually. So if you have some markable places like big mountains they can stay high poly while other terrain tiles in the foreground will be switched to it's LOD stages.
  • Every terrain tile can have an indivual texture size. This is usefull for terrain tile in far distances which the player can't reach, those terrain tiles can have a low-res texture, while the terrain tiles near the player can have a hi-res texture.
  • There is the option to save the terrain textures as PNG or DDS. If you choose DDS as output format, you can add compression and mipmaps afterwards with an external tool like ATI Compressonator.
  • The modfied terrain tiles are directly saved as MDL7 model files. So you can open them directly in MED.
  • Terrain tiles can be selected and moved with the mouse. Multiple selection/moving is supported.

I also finished the script framework. This means you don't need to export your level to a certain format. Just include the IceX3 framework script (icx3_io.h) and load the IceX3 level file with a given instruction/function and the level in your game will exactly look like in the editor. Here's a simple code example:

#include <acknex.h>

//include IceX3 script framework
#include "icx3_io.h"

void main()
	//load IceX3 level

It's very easy and simplified.