Is there a possibility to show a variable of a struct array with a panel?

typedef struct {
	STRING* name;
	STRING* info;
	var price;
	var hp_Effect;
	var mp_Effect;
	var amount;
	bool andiote;
	bool awakemaker;
	bool antisilent;
	bool eyedrop; 
	bool lifemaker;
	bool partyitem;
} object;


//Global declaration of item_001
object* item_001={
	name 		= "Heiltrank";
	info		= "Heilt 50 Lebenspunkte eines Partymitglieds.";
	price 		= 20;
	hp_Effect 	= 50;
	mp_Effect 	= 0;
	amount 		= 3;
	andiote 	= FALSE;
	awakemaker	= FALSE;
	desilent 	= FALSE;
	eyedrop		= FALSE;
	lifemaker 	= FALSE;
	partyitem 	= FALSE;	

object** objectID = (object*)malloc(999*sizeof(object));

objectID[1] = item_001;			///Array index starts intentionally with 1.

PANEL* ID_PanelTest =
pos_x = 50;  
pos_y = 70;
layer = 43; 
digits = (310, 55, "%02.0f", "Arial#22", 1, objectID[1].amount); <---- CompileError - 'TOO MANY PARAMETERS'
flags = SHOW;

The manual says array and structures are allowed.


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