@ nkl:

For fast and easy fix, i'll suggest downloading the free font generator made by a user on this forum. Then replace the standard font for the password with a font file that has only * inside. There must be a way to do this with c-script too. However, i'm lazy and have used a font-file. Also I have changed the code I found here and post a little working sample for this dll soon.

Only want to ask Michael_Schwarz if he can tell me the secret about password in dll Although this login sth is very nice it's also a security risk, as anyone could intercept the master password for the database and insert his own highscore to cheat for instance. You don't want that

Was thinking about using the gshttp plugin I heard about on the forum and use that to make the first connection to a php file on my website and afterwards connect to the database with the mysql-dll to make things a little more difficult perhaps with encryption.


font standard_font = "Verdana",1,12; // Truetype font
font password_font = <pwfnt.tga>,12,10; // Astrix font

text txtUsername
layer = 30;
string = username;
pos_x = 27;
pos_y = 360;
font = standard_font;
red = 75;
green = 100;
blue = 180;
flags = visible;

text txtPassword
layer = 30;
string = password;
pos_x = 24;
pos_y = 409;
font = password_font;

@ PHeMoX:

Sometimes my strings must be always the same size (fixed), So at the top of my script I use(for example), string hello "#6"; and deeper in the script I would use str_cpy(hello,"#6"); to clear and make available for input again.

