I'm making a -simple- example with Destop's A6MySQL DLL and so far i've got this companion website (PHP based) were you can actualy add new players, delete players, view highscore and player list.

You can login with a gamestudio application to a database somewhere else in the world. ATM i'm using a remote connection, because I want it to run even if I don't have my own workstation running.

The demo doesn't include a full game, but any client can connect with his or her gamestudio application + Destop's MySQL DLL and update their own highscore which in turn can be viewed on the website. You can extend this yourself with a nice game and saving the player's score in a variable.

Maybe nothing for the advanced, but nice start for anyone new to using this dll and want a tryout. I could upload the sample and all sources for download if someone is interested. Otherwise i'll keep it for my own learning experience

