So, lately I've seen two claims made about Unity by users from this forum:
  • Unity games are all bad (ie you can't make good games with Unity)
  • Unity users only make casual mobile games

And of course that Unity has a horrible community, but let's discuss this some other time.
The problem I have with the two claims is that some, not all, of you are trying to gain the moral highground over Unity. Fanboyism aside, but that's pretty stupid. The "look what Unity is capable of, lololol" has set a new low record for the "we are better because meh" bar, because you are trying to make a point that doesn't exist and then circlejerk so hard that it feels like being in a sauna for homosexuals (not that I have anything against homosexuals, being bisexual myself). Did you guys already forgot about the HDR emulation of the Bus simulator? Or all the other crappy Gamestudio games? Seriously, you point out a bad game and laugh about it while crying about the downfall of Gamestudio. Okay, maybe you are just a bunch of cynic grumpy bastards that sit on their front porch, dreaming of the good old days while slowly waving the Gamestudio flag over a field that everyone else stopped caring about.

Here is the point, Unity has a huge community and obviously not everyone is making a AAA title there. Not everyone has the skills, time, assets or strength to pull that off, and that's fine. A good casual game isn't anything anyone should be ashamed of, it's the opposite, finishing a game, no matter how simple, is an astonishing feat. Not every Gamestudio title is an AAA game either, so what?
Truth be told, it's impressive what the Unity community is able to pull off, and yes, there is crap, but come on, we have produced crap as well in the past.

And just a reminder, there are incredibly good games made with Unity, Kerbal Space Program (I frigging love that game), Endless Space, Ravensword etc.

Now, I'm not saying that Unity is better than Gamestudio, at the end of the day, all that counts is that YOU use what gets the job done best for you. If that's Unity, then that's just fine, if it's Gamestudio, fine too, if it's any other engine: That's fucking fine as well. Use the tool that is perfect for your taks and that get's the job done for you.

Now stop being hypocritical assholes for once and finish your game.

PS: Some more hypocritical bullshit some here come up with: Mobile is stupid because mobile is casual. Well, alright, you don't have to like casual or mobile gaming, whatever. But how the hell are you able to cry about the non-existant mobile support for Gamestudio at the same time? "Oh dear, Gamestudio will die because there is no mobile support. Also, guys, I think that all mobile games suck because they are casual and there is no real immersion. Unity sucks, amirite?". Ugh.
PPS: Ratchet, if you try to turn this into a Unity vs Gamestudio debate, I will move your posts into an extra thread (that counts for everyone else as well)

Last edited by JustSid; 02/17/13 15:28.

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