I feel the same way, Error014.

Sure, it's by far no game idea but you may have one immediately when you see the picture. When I see the cute little cardboard box guy I think of a small adventure that tells a heartwarming story, maybe about his (girl-)friend, his family or about more general aspects. If you have the look and the story this IMO already dictates the gameplay to a certain extent, just pick a perspective and make a decision about the combat or if there should not be any at all and you could already start prototyping.

Some time ago I've worked on/ prototyped a highscore based shoot'em up where you would fly a modern jet fighter in an endless/ repeating level (additional levels would be over land, in a cave and so on) and would try to upgrade your ship in multiple categories, depending on your preferences. Each session would start with only a few enemies and you having a slow aircraft then spawning more and more enemies with different and more difficult types:

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends