@PadMalcom :
I don't think i will make a game one day, but i'm trying actaully, i think on going simple and retro and mobile, to have lot more chances to make a game , we'll see laugh


Yes programming is needed i agree, even visual programming is some sort of programming but somwhat different in the approach and it's more engaging fro some people.
The game i pointed on the video is a good example of a pure 3D artist doing a game in solo, that do'nt know programming when i asked him.
So it's possible to go visual,specially for arcade games.

Even FPS Creator don't require you to program. It depends on the complexity of your game and where you want to go.
even some 2D engine like Torque 2D or Multi Media Fusion have ready to use logic modules, you just pick up and place visually.
Lot of 2D games have been made using such sort of non programming Tools (even RPG Maker 2D).

If you want ot go your own way, with originality etc ... indeed programmign will be neeeded.

The other solution is a team, you make graphics and one other is programming, that's what i do actually also.

Now in terms of workflow, when elsewhere i just import FBX, choose the shader by a click, run and adjust script variables values of the game (walk speed, jump hieght etc ..) all in real time
Well how to say , it's just fast compared to MED and WED, you don't loose time converting or writing shaders assignments.
i don't talk about terrain, particle editor etc ... all additionnal tools just make you speed up in your game making ,specially real time adjustmenst with game running :
it avoids you to : code particle/run game/modify values/launch game/remodify values etc ...

And for my personnal project this is not Unity but a similar one.
So people should stop focusing about Unity laugh
Yes i also use Unity in team projects as 3D artist only, but mainly to test 3D art before sending it.

Who knows what will happen with 3DGS, and what users would come back to 3DGS ?


@Error014 :
You have a good game base, almost complete game, because you do'nt use terrain, vegetation, intensive GUI elements, not last Graphics features, indeed 3DGS does the job a lot for you laugh
All depends on people goals.

Hope to see your game on Desura or Steam soon wink

Last edited by ratchet; 03/09/13 00:38.