I have the same problem. I installed GStudio 8.40 Trial on a new maschine today. MED DOES NOT show the FBX-Importer. The Dll is where it should be, the log-file gives the following "information".

load dll: med_plugins\FbxFiles2010.dll
Can't load library <C:\Programme\GStudio8\med_plugins\FbxFiles2010.dll>
System message #14001:
Diese Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, weil die Anwenungskonfiguration nicht korrekt ist. Zur Problembehebung sollten Sie die Anwendung neu installieren.
error loading

EDIT/ Sorry, hit the submit-Btn. Anyway. FBX ist not correctly configured, I should reinstall. Did. Twice. Still the same. VC-Redistributables are up to date.

Any suggestions?

Last edited by Loremaster; 03/17/13 19:03.