Edit: or dual paraboloid shadow mapping, but I don't know how to get it working properly.

I used them in the past, but they aren't really worth it. Actually they are worse than doing traditional cubemapping. Apart from the seam that appears between the two paraboloid maps, they are also not as good to optimize. With cubemapping you have 6 views with a "relatively" small area to render. With dual paraboloidmapping you have 2 views rendering everything. Using 6 views, you can turn off 2-3 most of the time to save bandwith and drawcalls, whereas with dual paraboloidmapping you end up leaving both views on in most cases.

Hey Havoc, i´ve got a problem here.
If i activate the forward rendering then everything gets a blue color.

Make sure you have a skycube in your scene and set it up with sc_sky(skyentity);
If you don't have a skycube, create a dummycube and set that up. The blue you see is the camera clear color.

I have a relatively complicated shader I want to include in my project and share for Shade-C. Would anyone be able to help me get this to work? I am not shader knowledgeable so this is kind of difficult for me. I'm not asking for someone to completely get the coding done FOR me, just looking to see if someone can point me in the right direction.

You want to extend the default Shade-C Object shader. Look here for more information on how to do that:
Custom Shaders (Advanced)
Custom Shaders (Beginner)

It might be more easy to write down the features of your shader though and re-implement it instead of porting it. Shade-C already comes with a lot of features you can use to start building your own shader. For example normalmapping and specular lighting is already supported and you don't have to re-implement it, as well as emissive lighting,colormasks and a few other things.

Also, have a look at the shadec/examples/fx folder as well as shadec/examples/05.c . There's a bunch of custom shaders in there that should get you started.

I am also having an issue where at the start of a level the shadows start kind of "dissolving". any reason or fix for that?

Can you post a screenshot?

Last edited by BoH_Havoc; 04/14/13 11:04.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework